Joint Strategic Needs Assessment draft 2016 data profile published

Bristol City Council have published the draft Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) data profile for 2016. The JSNA reports on the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Bristol.

  • 8th November 2016

Bristol City Council have published the draft Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) data profile for 2016. The JSNA reports on the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Bristol. It brings together detailed information on local health and wellbeing needs and looks ahead at emerging challenges and projected future needs.

The JSNA is an on-going, iterative process, led by Public Health and involving Bristol City Council (Children and Adult services), NHS Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), HealthWatch, the Voluntary and Community Sector and other partners.

The draft 2016 profile (PDF) covers everything from life expectancy to teenage pregnancy rates, and housing and homelessness to education. Some new sections are yet to be published, including fuel poverty, air pollution, neurological conditions, perinatal mental health and end of life care.