Eating Disorders HIT hosts second research meeting
The Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (HIT) hosted its second research event on 13 January 2017. The event brought together around 30 people.
25th January 2017
The Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (HIT) hosted its second research event on 13 January 2017. The event brought together around 30 people, including people with lived experience of eating disorders, clinicians, NHS research and development staff, commissioners, academics and students from both University of Bristol and the University of the West of England.
Presentations included:
Food addiction: what is it, and is it helpful for understanding disordered eating? Peter Rogers, School of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol
The Biomedical Research Centre nutrition theme – potential opportunities for research Andy Ness, NIHR Biomedical Research Unit in Nutrition, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and University of Bristol
The role of anxiety in the development and maintenance of anorexia nervosa Caitlin Lloyd, Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Bristol
Tweeting, chatting, online 24/7: Perspectives of social media use, mental health and eating behaviour in young people Anne Haase, Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Bristol