Elizabeth Blackwell Institute launches 2017 Research for Health challenge call
The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute's Research for Health scheme encourages healthcare practitioners and University of Bristol researchers to work together to develop innovative thinking around clinical problems.
15th March 2017
Do you work with patients? Have you got a healthcare challenge that you think could be solved through research?
The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute’s Research for Health scheme encourages healthcare practitioners and University of Bristol researchers to work together. It aims to develop research projects focussed on finding innovative solutions to clinical problems and encourages co-operation between the University of Bristol and the NHS.
This is a ‘challenge’ led scheme where the institute consults with healthcare workers, managers and commissioners to collect information about problems they encounter in their practice that could potentially be solved through innovative research at University of Bristol.
There are two stages to Research for Health. In this first stage clinicians come forward with their health challenges. The deadline for challenges is 9am on 24 May. Ideas for challenges are selected by a review panel. These form the basis of the next stage, which is a solutions funding competition.
In this second stage, University of Bristol researchers apply for funding from the institute to enable them to solve these selected challenges.
Funding is available for up to four projects, with a funding cap of £25,000 per project. Individuals or teams of researchers are welcome to apply.