Kidney Disease HIT
A team of clinical staff and patients, working together to improve patient outcomes and care pathways for patients with kidney disease.
News related to this Health Integration Team
NHS rolls out national genetic test to reduce risk of donor kidney failure
Hundreds of potential kidney donors of Black African and Black Caribbean heritage can now get…
New targets for diabetic kidney disease could prevent end stage kidney failure
New potential therapeutic targets have been identified for diabetic kidney disease (DKD) – the…
Time to act on kidney health inequalities, report reveals
Kidney health inequalities due to age, sex, education, location or lack of wealth persist, despite…
Kidney Disease HIT 2023-24
Building kidney disease evidence base The Kidney Disease HIT focuses primarily on supporting and developing…
New £10.4 million research centre will unlock new tests, treatments and cures for people living with rare kidney diseases
Thousands of people living with rare kidney disease will get access to improved diagnostics, treatments…
Study highlights potential new approach for early intervention for diabetic patients at risk of kidney disease
Researchers at the University of Bristol have uncovered a mechanism by which a hormone…