Research and Innovation Group
The Stroke HIT supports collaborative research, is guided by local stroke survivors and the public, and is relevant to local health and social care services.
Its Research and Innovation Group is led by Nigel Harris, Visiting Professor, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, College of Arts, Technology and Environment, UWE Bristol, and the Department of Health, University of Bath.
The Group aims to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke by supporting the identification, development and delivery of research and innovation projects. It will do this by:
- Maintaining an overview of the research and innovation activity across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG).
- Promoting local stroke research and innovation projects within the local research community, to people affected by stroke, or working in stroke services.
- Working with local partners, including Acute and Primary Care Trust Research Leads, VCSE Partners, Bristol Health Partners, NIHR Research Delivery Network and Health Innovation West of England, to promote research and build up research capacity into the prevention and treatment of stroke (and TIA).
- Facilitating networking and mutual support amongst local researchers working in research relevant to stroke, including support researchers and innovators to connect with people who plan or deliver services in BNSSG.
- Supporting researchers and innovators to connect with people who have lived experience of stroke, and where possible, to facilitate patient and public involvement in research and innovation.
- Working with local academic partners to support undergraduate and postgraduate students conducting stroke-related projects.
Group members
- Sandeep Buddha, Stroke Delivery Research Lead in Hyper Acute Stroke Unit, North Bristol NHS Trust
- Phil Clatworthy, Consultant Stroke Neurologist, North Bristol NHS Trust
- Mary Cramp, Director for Research and Enterprise, School of Health and Social Wellbeing and Associate Professor for Long Term Conditions, UWE Bristol
- Rachel Denholm, Epidemiologist and Health Service Researcher, Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol
- Lukuman Gbadamoshi, Stroke Consultant, Royal United Hospitals, Bath
- Stephen Hill, Lead for public involvement in research
- Praveen Kumar, Associate Professor in Stroke Rehabilitation, UWE Bristol
- Vimal Sriram, Director of Allied Health Professionals, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
These links provide an overview and contacts to academic research in the stroke field across BNSSG: