Active Lives HIT News
Celebrating the successes of our health community - with the Clangers...
Ellen Devine, Healthwatch Bristol Project Coordinator, writes about her experience of the Bristol Health and…
Bristol’s health experts come out in support of 20mph speed limits
Bristol’s health and care community are showing their support for the city’s 20mph speed limits…
Bristol scientists to study potential new way of treating diabetes
Scientists at the University of Bristol are to investigate a potential new way of treating…
Significant new study shows importance of help for childhood sexual abuse victims
While the sexual abuse of children is currently an issue at the forefront of public…
Joint Health Integration Team response to West of England joint spatial plan
Bristol Health Partners Health Integration Teams (HITs) have made a joint response to the…
South Gloucestershire diabetes prevention project launched
The Public Health and Wellbeing Division in South Gloucestershire Council is running a pilot project…
West leads the way in Join Dementia Research registrations
A tour bus promoting ‘Join dementia research’ proved such a hit with shoppers in the…
Common dementia drug found to improve Parkinson’s symptoms
Scientists in Bristol have discovered that a commonly prescribed dementia drug could hold the key…
Deadline extended for Bristol Health and Care Awards
The deadline for nominations in the inaugural Bristol Health and Care Awards has been extended…
Pioneering study to help adults delay frailty and live independently for longer
A major study, led by researchers from the Active Older People Health Integration Team (APPHLE…
People face subconscious urges to over-eat at this time of year, study finds
People have evolved to have subconscious urges to over-eat, and limited ability to avoid becoming…