Active Lives HIT News

Celebrating the successes of our health community - with the Clangers...

  • 15th March 2016
Ellen Devine, Healthwatch Bristol Project Coordinator, writes about her experience of the Bristol Health and…

Bristol’s health experts come out in support of 20mph speed limits

  • 15th March 2016
Bristol’s health and care community are showing their support for the city’s 20mph speed limits…

Bristol scientists to study potential new way of treating diabetes

  • 29th February 2016
Scientists at the University of Bristol are to investigate a potential new way of treating…

Significant new study shows importance of help for childhood sexual abuse victims

  • 22nd February 2016
While the sexual abuse of children is currently an issue at the forefront of public…

Joint Health Integration Team response to West of England joint spatial plan

  • 17th February 2016
Bristol Health Partners Health Integration Teams (HITs) have made a joint response to the…

South Gloucestershire diabetes prevention project launched

  • 12th February 2016
The Public Health and Wellbeing Division in South Gloucestershire Council is running a pilot project…

West leads the way in Join Dementia Research registrations

  • 20th January 2016
A tour bus promoting ‘Join dementia research’ proved such a hit with shoppers in the…

Common dementia drug found to improve Parkinson’s symptoms

  • 13th January 2016
Scientists in Bristol have discovered that a commonly prescribed dementia drug could hold the key…

Deadline extended for Bristol Health and Care Awards

  • 12th January 2016
The deadline for nominations in the inaugural Bristol Health and Care Awards has been extended…

Pioneering study to help adults delay frailty and live independently for longer

  • 11th January 2016
A major study, led by researchers from the Active Older People Health Integration Team (APPHLE…

People face subconscious urges to over-eat at this time of year, study finds

  • 6th January 2016
People have evolved to have subconscious urges to over-eat, and limited ability to avoid becoming…