Healthy Neighbourhood Environments (SHINE) HIT News

Bristol 20mph here to stay as public support for the safer speed limits rides high

  • 11th June 2019
Safer 20mph speed limits are here to stay in Bristol, with the results of Bristol…

Tackling transport is Bristol citizens’ biggest concern

  • 16th May 2019
Zoe Trinder-Widdess and Zoe Banks Gross on the results of the Council's recent Quality of…

SHINE HIT review of 2018-19

  • 15th May 2019
Co-Directors of the Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments HIT (SHINE), Dr Adrian Davis and Dr…

Bristol Health Partners to invest £176k in its Health Integration Teams

  • 13th May 2019
Health Integration Teams (HITs) are set to benefit from £176k of investment from Bristol Health…

Bristol Walking Alliance events during Bristol Walk Fest explore the walkability of Bristol

  • 20th March 2019
How walkable is Bristol? This is the question at the centre of Bristol Walking Alliance…

Health and social care commissioners hear about HITs at special seminar

  • 17th February 2019
Health and social care commissioners came together at City Hall for a special seminar to…

Bristol’s medics support 20mph speed limits in Road Safety Week

  • 19th November 2018
Bristol’s medics, including doctors from the children’s hospital and the city’s emergency departments, are showing…

We must reconsider the dominance of cars on most of Bristol's streets

  • 30th October 2018
Dr Suzanne Audrey is senior research fellow in public health at the University of Bristol…

HITs with a focus on healthy, safe environments get together for a networking breakfast

  • 12th October 2018
On Wednesday 3 October, Health Integration Teams (HITs) with a focus on healthy, safe environments…

How did the pedestrian cross the road? The good, the bad and the reasons why pedestrian crossings are important

  • 9th October 2018
An event on Tuesday 16 October, 6.45-8.30pm at the Watershed, Harbourside offers an opportunity to…

SHINE Director Adrian Davis to take on new transport and health professorship

  • 6th September 2018
Edinburgh Napier University has appointed Adrian Davis to the groundbreaking position of Professor of Transport…