Healthy Neighbourhood Environments (SHINE) HIT News

Mayor supports build-in health or build more hospitals event

  • 11th October 2016
Healthy neighbourhoods are the bedrock of a healthy city. But can the market deliver the…

How can Bristol tackle health and sustainability in the real world?

  • 5th October 2016
As world leaders grapple with the realities of implementing the historic Paris climate change deal,…

Share your views on disability and the built environment

  • 3rd October 2016
The accessibility of our homes, buildings and public spaces is an issue not just for…

Bristol Health Partners and Health Integration Teams' contribution to Healthy City Week

  • 14th September 2016
This year's Healthy City Week Bristol (15-22 October) will see a strong contribution from Bristol…

Challenging the HITs to collaborate in new ways with Bristol Health Partnerology

  • 13th July 2016
At the annual Health Integration Team (HIT) conference this year, HITs were challenged to find…

Health Integration Team model evaluation paper published

  • 1st July 2016
The results of NIHR CLAHRC West's preliminary evaluation of the ‘Health Integration Team’ model have…

Our 2015-16 annual review is out now

  • 27th June 2016
Our 2015-16 annual review was launched at our annual Health Integration Team (HIT) conference on…

SHINE HIT 2015-16 review

  • 31st May 2016
Dr Suzanne Audrey, Dr Adrian Davis and Marcus Grant, the Directors of the Supporting Healthy…

Are Bristolian and British attitudes to cycling on different trajectories?

  • 27th May 2016
Dr Adrian Davis, Director of the Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments (SHINE) Health Integration Team,…

Bristol Walking Alliance puts best foot forward

  • 18th May 2016
A new campaigning group that aims to make the walking environment in Bristol more welcoming,…

Public Health England launches active travel report

  • 16th May 2016
Public Health England has published its first briefing for local authorities on active travel, which…