Sexual Health Improvement (SHIP) HIT News
NHS reorganisation and workload pressures causing GP retention crisis
NHS reorganisation, coupled with increased GP workload and reduced time for patient care, are combining…
Study finds CBT offers long-term benefits for people with depression
People with depression that has not responded fully to treatment with antidepressants benefit long-term from…
Developing a shared approach to evaluation in the West
More than 30 people with an interest in evaluation came together to develop a shared…
Parents may need more guidance to prevent toddlers overeating
Reducing toddlers’ portion sizes or number of eating occasions could potentially help to target weight…
Passive smoking is associated with earlier delivery and lower birth weight
New research by academics from the University of Bristol has found women exposed to passive…
Bristol Health Partners at the NHS Innovation Expo
Bristol Health Partners had a stand and ran a prestigious pop-up university session at this…
WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments
The WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments at the University of the West of…
Primary school pupils lead the way to sun safety
Pupils from May Park Primary School have been recognised for their good work making sun…
Sexual Health Improvement for Population and Patients HIT review of 2014-15
Professor John Macleod, Director of the Sexual Health Improvement for Population and Patients Health Integration…
Sexual Health Improvement for Population and Patients HIT review of 2013-14
Professor John Macleod looks back at the work of the Sexual Health Improvement for Population…
Parkinson's and Other Movement Disorders HIT review of 2013-14
Dr Alan Whone reflects on the achievements of the Parkinson's and Other Movement Disorders Health…