Sexual Health Improvement (SHIP) HIT News

NHS reorganisation and workload pressures causing GP retention crisis

  • 7th January 2016
NHS reorganisation, coupled with increased GP workload and reduced time for patient care, are combining…

Study finds CBT offers long-term benefits for people with depression

  • 7th January 2016
People with depression that has not responded fully to treatment with antidepressants benefit long-term from…

Developing a shared approach to evaluation in the West

  • 6th January 2016
More than 30 people with an interest in evaluation came together to develop a shared…

Parents may need more guidance to prevent toddlers overeating

  • 4th December 2015
Reducing toddlers’ portion sizes or number of eating occasions could potentially help to target weight…

Passive smoking is associated with earlier delivery and lower birth weight

  • 24th November 2015
New research by academics from the University of Bristol has found women exposed to passive…

Bristol Health Partners at the NHS Innovation Expo

  • 22nd September 2015
Bristol Health Partners had a stand and ran a prestigious pop-up university session at this…

WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments

  • 15th August 2015
The WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments at the University of the West of…

Primary school pupils lead the way to sun safety

  • 16th July 2015
Pupils from May Park Primary School have been recognised for their good work making sun…

Sexual Health Improvement for Population and Patients HIT review of 2014-15

  • 26th May 2015
Professor John Macleod, Director of the Sexual Health Improvement for Population and Patients Health Integration…

Sexual Health Improvement for Population and Patients HIT review of 2013-14

  • 27th August 2014
Professor John Macleod looks back at the work of the Sexual Health Improvement for Population…

Parkinson's and Other Movement Disorders HIT review of 2013-14

  • 27th July 2014
Dr Alan Whone reflects on the achievements of the Parkinson's and Other Movement Disorders Health…