Active Lives HIT 2023-24
The Active Lives HIT is a team of academics, clinicians, public health professionals, and members of the public working together to promote evidence about the benefits of physical activity to support those who manage or provide services. Here are some of the highlights from the HIT in 2023-24.
- 5th July 2024
Translating evidence into practice
Retirement in Action (REACT), a landmark research study supported by the HIT, is the only current clinical trial evidence base for physical activity in older people with risk of falls. The HIT was funded through the NHS Ageing Well programme to pilot REACT in the inner-city and east Bristol Locality Partnership. The pilot, which ended in 2024, showed enormous potential for system-level benefits, with key learnings including ensuring diversity of course leaders to connect with a diverse population.
Exploring ways to support physical activity in hospital
Another NHS Ageing Well-funded pilot, Active Hospitals, aimed to reduce the risk of older people deconditioning while in hospital. The pilot was run across wards in the BRI, Weston General Hospital and Southmead. An evaluation showed that the pilot was effective, and the two Trusts are exploring ways to continue its implementation.
2023 also saw the completion of Dance for Dementia, an expansion of a pilot project based in Elgar House, Southmead Hospital and delivered by North Bristol NHS Trust’s Fresh Arts programme.
Addressing inequalities and increasing diversity
A two-year programme of water-based activities to boost mental health in older people, hosted by All Aboard Water Sports in Bristol, was completed this year. The programme, which included rowing and boatbuilding courses, was delivered by Age UK Bristol and funded by an NHS Charities Together grant secured by the HIT in 2021. Participants accessed courses through social prescribing link workers as well as by self-referral. The activities reached more than 200 people in the community; learning included putting in more effort to engage different communities in the planning stages to ensure activities are culturally accessible and sustainable.
Two new public contributors have joined the HIT, representing Race Equality North Somerset and Dhek Bhal, to increase the diversity of contributing voices.
Encouraging system working
In November 2023, the HIT convened conference to share evidence with representatives from across the local system. This event aimed to support development of a regional system approach to physical activity across the life course, particularly focused on healthy ageing and preventing chronic ill health, aligned to the Integrated Care System Prevention Framework.
Looking ahead
The HIT is now part of the Bristol Active City Network, which includes Wesport, Bristol City Council and the city’s sports foundations. The HIT is looking forward to working with the network to identify practical ways that sport can better promote health and wellbeing in a range of communities.
Funding enabled in 2023-24
Active Lives HIT helped secure £46,962 in 2023-24 for projects to generate research evidence, improve outcomes and address health inequalities.