Best practice guide on the ethics and governance of service evaluation launches
A best practice guide on the ethics and governance of service evaluation has been launched on the CLAHRC West website. These guidelines are for evaluators and commissioners of evaluation in health and social care.
Ethics and governance are well established in research. But service evaluation often isn’t considered from this perspective. So the West of England Evaluation Strategy Group has produced this guidance, made up of several documents, to address this. They have been developed with stakeholders in universities and health organisations in the West of England, and with patient and public representatives.
The guidelines offer a framework for the governance of service evaluation and a code of good practice around ethics. They include links to practical examples of governance forms and checklists, as well as links to other useful sources of information and support around good practice in evaluation.
A tri-fold printable leaflet version of the guidelines is also available. This offers a summary of the principles guiding best practice.