Bristol Transport Consultation launched

Bristol City Council has launched the Bristol Transport Consultation, which is open until 2 November. Transport plays a big part in all of our daily lives. The draft Bristol Transport Strategy sets out the Council's vision and ambition for transport.

  • 24th September 2018

Bristol City Council has launched the Bristol Transport Consultation, which is open until 2 November.

We all need to get from A to B. Transport plays a big part in all of our daily lives. The draft Bristol Transport Strategy sets out the Council’s vision and ambition for transport in the city up to 2036.

Read the draft Bristol Transport Strategy.

Read the summary document.

Why they are consulting

They want to hear your views on transport, any issues you have travelling around the city and your thoughts on proposed solutions.

Their Transport Priority Simulator Tool allows you to prioritise transport improvements for Bristol and look at funding options to enable improvements to be made.

They also want your views on the draft document, so complete this short questionnaire.

Responses from both the simulator tool and the questionnaire will help to inform the final Bristol Transport Strategy that is due to be adopted by Full Council in 2019.

Respond to the consultation.