Cardiovascular science

Cardiovascular science in Bristol comprises more than 230 researchers and clinicians from across the University of Bristol and NHS trusts, working to translate basic scientific research into novel clinical practice, improving patient outcome and care.

  • 15th August 2015

Cardiovascular science research in Bristol is led by Bristol CardioVascular (formerly the Bristol Heart Institute) and comprises more than 230 researchers and clinicians from across the University of Bristol and local NHS trusts, working to translate basic scientific research into novel clinical practice, improving patient outcome and care.

Bristol CardioVascular was established in 1995, as the Bristol Heart Institute, to foster collaborative research between the University of Bristol, the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and local primary care trusts.

The physical proximity of most academic departments and clinical organisations within Bristol CardioVascular has been a huge advantage for successful collaboration. Bristol is now one of the strongest centres for cardiovascular research in the UK, with nationally and internationally recognised strengths across the research base.

Bristol CardioVascular has a track record of translating basic science into clinical practice and population health policy, while improved causal understanding of human population epigenetics (the study of inherited changes in gene behaviour that are unrelated to DNA sequence) is providing new insights into numerous cardiovascular diseases.

Current areas of research strength include:

  • atherosclerosis and vein grafts
  • blood clotting and blood conservation
  • cardiac contraction and arrhythmias
  • cardioprotection and ischaemia/reperfusion injury
  • cardiovascular control and hypertension
  • congenital heart disease
  • exercise, nutrition and health
  • innovative cardiac surgery
  • obesity and diabetes
  • stem cells and angiogenesis
  • translational epidemiology

For more information, visit the University of Bristol’s website and the Bristol CardioVascular pages.