Elizabeth Blackwell Institute appoints new Director

Professor Rachael Gooberman-Hill has been appointed to Director of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research at the University of Bristol and will take up the role on 1 August 2017.

  • 12th June 2017

Professor Rachael Gooberman-Hill has been appointed to Director of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research at the University of Bristol and will take up the role on 1 August 2017.

Professor Gooberman-Hill is an applied health researcher who works across diverse topics and areas. After graduating with an MA in Social Anthropology from the University of St Andrews in 1991 she undertook a PhD in the same subject at the University of Edinburgh, graduating in 1999.

In 2000, she joined the University of Bristol working in a Medical Research Council-funded research group within the School of Social and Community Medicine and then the School of Clinical Sciences in 2009.

Throughout her career in health research Professor Gooberman-Hill has specialised in qualitative research approaches, working across disciplines in research that is interdisciplinary. Her work has addressed diverse topics that range from clinical decision-making, organisation of healthcare to people’s experiences of long-term health conditions. She collaborates widely in her research, supports researchers in developing their careers and has received awards for her work in patient and public engagement. In 2016, she was honoured to receive the British Pain Society Medal for her work.

Professor Gooberman-Hill’s desire to deliver and support studies that bridges disciplines, is innovative and has impact, is at the core of her research. It is these aspects of her work that has motivated her to become Director of the Institute.

Professor Gooberman-Hill, who will take over as Director from Professor Jeremy Tavaré on 1 August, said:

“I’m proud to be taking on the role of Director of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research. With support from the Wellcome Trust, the Institute works to build interdisciplinary health research communities by bringing together Bristol’s uniquely talented academics who are committed to research that has real impact on people’s health and wellbeing. My aim is to make sure that the Institute will continue in its work to deliver the best possible research. I look forward to taking on this important and exciting role at Bristol.”

The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute — named after one of Bristol’s celebrated medical pioneers — helps to bring together researchers from a wide range of disciplines along with diverse stakeholders, patients and funding bodies. The Institute fosters collaboration on innovative projects to accelerate health research so that Bristol’s research provides benefits to health.

For further information about the Institute or to discuss how it can help you please contact Dr Nina Couzin, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, University of Bristol, email [email protected].