Evaluation Online Network launches for anyone with an interest in evaluation
A new Evaluation Online Network, open to anyone in the West of England and beyond, launched on 7 March. So far the network includes 64 staff working in a variety organisations and settings with an interest in evaluation.
27th March 2017
A new Evaluation Online Network, open to anyone in the West of England and beyond, launched on 7 March. So far the network includes 64 staff working in a variety organisations and settings with an interest in evaluation.
The network provides virtual support and guidance on evaluation activity. It’s an initiative from the West of England Evaluation Strategy Group at NIHR CLAHRC West, and is based on an email group system.
It is led by Pam Moule, Professor of Health Services Research (Service Evaluation) UWE, and Jo Bangoura, Evaluation & Commissioning Liaison Manager, both with NIHR CLAHRC West and the West of England Academic Health Science Network (AHSN).
They will send a weekly email to the network group framed around a particular evaluation question. They will give introductory information and an exploration of key themes to help members in their evaluation work. Members should let them know if there is anything specific they would like them to explore.
Members are welcome to contribute by emailing out to the group, with questions, information or experience, for example. Details of how to do this will be sent when you register, as well as instructions on how to unsubscribe and look at past posts via the web interface.
The team will evaluate the network after three months by surveying its members. This will inform its future development.
Please share this with anyone who may be interested. New members are very welcome. Join the network by emailing Jo Bangoura on [email protected].