Local pubs and bars sign up to support Dry January 2018
Pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants in Bristol have been pledging support for Dry January next month by offering appealing alcohol-free alternatives.
27th December 2017
Pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants in Bristol have been pledging support for
Dry January next month by offering appealing alcohol-free alternatives.
Throughout January, the council will be working to prove that Dry January
doesn’t have to mean a drop in profits for local businesses that are licensed
to sell alcohol by encouraging venues to promote exciting alternatives
alongside the usual alcoholic options to draw in a new health conscious market.
In return, those who sign up to the campaign will be given special
merchandise to help spread the message. They will also be included on the
council’s Dry January 2018 webpage, as part of an online map of participating
businesses and will be included in all social media and promotional activities.
Cllr Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor for Neighbourhoods including Public Health,
“Of course it’s up to everyone to decide for themselves how they choose
to enjoy our great night time economy, but by offering more alternatives I hope
the city can help encourage people to make a healthy switch and feel better as
a result. Evidence shows that people who’ve taken part in Dry January
have saved money, had better energy and sleep and lost weight.
“We’re hoping to offer businesses a chance to get ahead of the trend this
January and get on board with the campaign. I’d encourage everyone
thinking of taking part next year to give it a go. If you’re business why
not let us help you take advantage of this new health conscious market? Get in touch and find out how we can help.”
Every year support for the Dry January campaign has been growing. A
recent YouGov poll showed that almost five million people across the country
took part in Dry January in 2017.
To sign up to the scheme, businesses can do so simply and quickly via the Bristol City Council website or text your name to 07876 814 570 to get a call from the team.