Meet our new Evaluation Officer

Trish Harding has recently joined the team at Bristol Health Partners as our new Evaluation Officer. She joined in August on a one year secondment from Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) Bristol Specialist Drug & Alcohol Service

  • 5th December 2013

Trish Harding has recently joined the team at Bristol Health Partners as our new Evaluation Officer. She joined in August on a one year secondment from Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) Bristol Specialist Drug & Alcohol Service.

She has a background in social work, qualitative research and evaluation. Trish’s focus will be on working with the Health Integration Teams (HITs) to support them in the evaluation of some of their activities. This could be anything from pilots of new services to evaluating patient and public involvement initiatives.

Trish will be engaging with each of the HITs over the coming months and co-ordinating requests for support with service evaluation. For more information please contact Trish on 0117 984 1639 (Mon – Wed) or email Trish at [email protected].

How do we demonstrate our value?

Lisa Wheatley, Programme Manager, and Trish Harding, Evaluation Officer, at Bristol Health Partners are working collaboratively with external researchers, commissioners, evaluation experts and Health Integration Teams members to develop an over-arching strategy for the evaluation of the HITs, Collaboration for Leadership and Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRCwest) and the West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN). If you want to find out more then please email Trish on [email protected] and watch this space for more information as plans develop.