New dementia support sessions and groups for 2021
- 12th January 2021
The pandemic continues to be extremely challenging for people living with dementia and their carers, family and friends.
Southern Brooks, along with several local partner organisations, have organised support groups for people with dementia and their carers who are missing social interaction or are experiencing loss.
The team, as part of the South Gloucestershire Dementia Action Alliance, are also offering free 40-minute webinars on how to make your service more dementia friendly during lockdown.
Telephone Connect Cafés
Southern Brooks, in partnership with South Gloucestershire Council, BNSSG Clinical Commissioning Group, St Monica Trust and South Gloucestershire Dementia Friendly Communities, have organised a new Telephone Connect Café which allows small groups of people to connect by telephone.
They will be taking place twice a month on 2nd and 4th Mondays from 11 January 2021.
The sessions are an alternative to online groups and are open to people with dementia or their carers. The format is similar to a face-to-face memory café with chat, songs, quizzes and reminiscing delivered by trained volunteers and Winsome Barrett-Muir, South Gloucestershire Dementia Action Alliance Community Development Project Coordinator.
To find out how to join and to receive a personal invitation, call the team on 01454 868570 and mention Teleconferencing chit chat or Winsome, alternatively email [email protected].
Click here for the Telephone Connect Café information flyer.
Bereavement groups
Southern Brooks, in partnership with Independent Age and South Gloucestershire Dementia Friendly Communities, have organised two peer support groups for people who have experienced loss.
This is Me Group
This group is for people who have recently received a diagnosis of dementia (or who possibly know they have dementia and are waiting for a diagnosis). The group provides an opportunity to meet with others, either online or on the phone, over six weeks to explore what this means for them and to look at strategies for the future.
Click here for the ‘This is Me Group’ information flyer.
Talking Together Group
This group is for those who are dealing with grief and bereavement after the death of a loved one or who are experiencing a loved one entering full time care. The group offers the chance to talk and share the experiences with others in a similar situation and discuss ways to move forward through difficult times.
Both groups will be starting in January and will run for six weeks and will take place either as a teleconference or online using Zoom.
Click here for the ‘Talking Together Group’ information flyer.
Dementia Friendly Webinar
Southern Brooks are offering free 40-minute webinars to organisations that would like to make their service more dementia friendly during lockdown.
People who are interested can arrange for the team to deliver the session to a group or staff team (minimum six people attending).
The team continue to provide support through networking, newsletters and meet-ups – virtually or via telephone, and face-to-face when possible.
To find out more, contact the team on [email protected].
Click here for the webinar information flyer.