NHS Long Term Plan: What would you do to improve autism and learning difficulty services?

Healthwatch Bristol and South Gloucestershire want to know #WhatWouldYouDo to improve care in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

  • 17th April 2019

Healthwatch Bristol and South Gloucestershire want to know #WhatWouldYouDo to improve care in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. The NHS has set out its plans to improve health and social care over the next ten years. To support this, the Government has invested an extra £20 billion per year.

Your local NHS needs to hear from you about what those changes should look like in your community.

Have your say in their condition-based survey, or access the easy read version of the survey (PDF).

There is also a general survey.

As part of healthwatch Bristol and healthwatch South Gloucestershire’s work to gather and feedback people’s ideas and views on the NHS long term plan they are looking to hold a number of focus groups. These will be to get a more in depth understanding of two priority areas for the NHS – people’s experiences of cancer services and the experience of people with learning difficulties and autism when using NHS services.

They are looking for local groups who would be happy for us to come along to their next meeting to talk to them about their experiences or whose members might be interested in coming to a focus group near them if they set one up.

If you think this is something you, or your members would be interested in please let me know or you can contact my colleague Pete, who will be running the focus groups, directly on [email protected] or 07756 796886.