Our 2016-17 annual review was launched at our annual Health Integration Team (HIT) conference on 13 June. The Bristol Health Partners annual review showcases the work of the partnership and includes updates from our 19 HITs.
13th June 2017
Our 2016-17 annual review was launched at our annual Health Integration Team (HIT) conference on 13 June. The Bristol Health Partners annual review showcases the work of the partnership and includes updates from our 19 HITs and a roundup of the health research activity across Bristol and the partner organisations.
Bristol Health Partners Communications Manager Zoe Trinder-Widdess said:
“The Bristol Health Partners annual review tells the Bristol health story and showcases the great work going on in Bristol and the West. It’s for local stakeholders, national influencers and decision makers. This year we’ve taken the review online, launched alongside a special ‘Five years of achievement’ leaflet that celebrates the work of the partnership since 2012.”