Railway suicide rates climb despite industry efforts
Railway suicide rates in England and Wales have risen since the year 2000 despite measures…
Antibiotic resistance in children is high and associated with previous antibiotic use
Antibiotic resistance in children with urinary infections is high and could render some antibiotics ineffective…
Pregnant mother’s weight, glucose and blood pressure affect baby’s size
Being overweight or obese in pregnancy causes babies to be born larger, according to new…
Health care heroes honoured in Bristol Health and Care Awards
Some of Bristol’s most hardworking and talented health workers were honoured at a sparkling awards…
Celebrating the successes of our health community - with the Clangers...
Ellen Devine, Healthwatch Bristol Project Coordinator, writes about her experience of the Bristol Health and…
Bristol’s health experts come out in support of 20mph speed limits
Bristol’s health and care community are showing their support for the city’s 20mph speed limits…
The winners at the Bristol Health and Care Awards
The outstanding achievements of Bristol's health and care community were honoured at a glittering awards…
Videos exploring antibiotic use for RTIs in children in primary care launched at TARGET event
Videos and other resources to help GPs and parents manage coughs and respiratory tract infections…
Study finds low dead space syringes are acceptable to users
The NIHR CLAHRC West project, in collaboration with the Addictions Health Integration Team, examining whether…
Travel to work survey running 7-13 March
The four local authorities for South Gloucestershire, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset and North…
Health Integration Teams well represented in Bristol Health and Care Awards shortlist
Bristol Health Partners Health Integration Teams (HITs) are well represented in the shortlist for the…
Psychosis Health Integration Team (HIT) seeks Peer Director
The newly formed Psychosis Health Integration Team (HIT) are looking for a Peer Director to…