Death of SHINE HIT's Stephen Hewitt

  • 10th November 2014
Stephen Hewitt, who was closely involved with our Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments Health Integration…

Healthwatch Bristol's new radio show

  • 10th November 2014
On Tuesday 11 November at 3pm, Healthwatch Bristol launched its first radio show on BCFM…

BoNEE official launch sees children exploring health

  • 6th November 2014
On 6 November the Bristol Network for Early Years Health and Wellbeing HIT officially launches…

Could technology transform GP consultations?

  • 6th November 2014
A group of researchers from the Universities of Bristol, Oxford, Edinburgh and Exeter have received…

Elizabeth Blackwell Institute receives £3m boost

  • 6th November 2014
The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute (EBI), hosted by the University of Bristol, has been given a…

Value for money assessment of walking and cycling

  • 6th November 2014
SHINE HIT director Adrian Davis has assessed the economic value of walking and cycling interventions…

Healthcare professionals' quality improvement resource

  • 3rd November 2014
The West of England Academic Health Science Network is developing a new resource that will…

Festival of Health explored the big issues 10-11 Oct

  • 10th October 2014
On 10-11 October, the Festival of Health explored the big issues facing the NHS and…

Improving Perinatal Mental Health HIT given go ahead

  • 2nd October 2014
A new Health Integration Team (HIT) to improve the mental health of parents from conception…

Making Bristol a happy and healthy city

  • 2nd October 2014
How can Bristol become a happy and healthy city? This is the question Mayor George…

Innovation discussion fuels collaborative weekend

  • 1st October 2014
The first open discussion of the ‘Bristol Health Collaborative’ on 9 September saw 50 health…

Our Evaluation Officer on evaluating the HIT model

  • 1st October 2014
Following feedback from Health Integration Teams (HITs) at the HIT conference, Bristol Health Partners has…