Study shows children’s inactivity remains an issue in wake of pandemic

  • 27th April 2023
New research has revealed children’s physical activity in the UK has largely returned to…

Improving the management of high impact users in emergency departments: The SHarED programme

  • 26th April 2023
An NIHR ARC West evaluation of a programme to improve how ‘high impact users’ of…

Take a walk this May with Bristol Walk Fest

  • 25th April 2023
Bristol Walk Fest is a walking festival that runs from 1– 31 May to coincide…

Gene in the brain can put brakes on anxiety, discover scientists

  • 25th April 2023
A gene in the brain driving anxiety symptoms has been identified by an international…

Should we talk to young people about social media during mental health consultations?

  • 23rd April 2023
Young people find the idea of talking about their online experiences during a mental health…

Identifying and managing people with an at-risk mental state for psychosis

  • 20th April 2023
Clinical guidelines about providing early support to patients with an at-risk mental state for…

Researchers find new pathway to prevent kidney failure for thousands

  • 15th April 2023
Researchers at the University of Bristol have made a breakthrough that could prevent certain…

Toolkit to help people who inject drugs look after their veins, minimise pain and prevent infections

  • 13th April 2023
A new toolkit to support people who inject drugs to care for their veins and…

Natasha Swinscoe: Connecting the dots between research and innovation

  • 4th April 2023
The mission of the West of England Academic Health Science Network (or AHSN for…

Sexual Health Improvement (SHIP) HIT 2022-23

  • 1st April 2023
Accelerating work to end HIV The HIT has developed a new action plan focussed on…

Adversity and Trauma HIT 2022-23

  • 1st April 2023
Embedding system-wide trauma informed practice Last year, the Adversity and Trauma HIT secured a commitment…

Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments HIT 2022-23

  • 1st April 2023
Leading public engagement events SHINE organised a popular ‘Let’s Talk Public Toilets’ event in October…