Study shows children’s inactivity remains an issue in wake of pandemic
New research has revealed children’s physical activity in the UK has largely returned to…
Improving the management of high impact users in emergency departments: The SHarED programme
An NIHR ARC West evaluation of a programme to improve how ‘high impact users’ of…
Take a walk this May with Bristol Walk Fest
Bristol Walk Fest is a walking festival that runs from 1– 31 May to coincide…
Gene in the brain can put brakes on anxiety, discover scientists
A gene in the brain driving anxiety symptoms has been identified by an international…
Should we talk to young people about social media during mental health consultations?
Young people find the idea of talking about their online experiences during a mental health…
Identifying and managing people with an at-risk mental state for psychosis
Clinical guidelines about providing early support to patients with an at-risk mental state for…
Researchers find new pathway to prevent kidney failure for thousands
Researchers at the University of Bristol have made a breakthrough that could prevent certain…
Toolkit to help people who inject drugs look after their veins, minimise pain and prevent infections
A new toolkit to support people who inject drugs to care for their veins and…
Natasha Swinscoe: Connecting the dots between research and innovation
The mission of the West of England Academic Health Science Network (or AHSN for…
Sexual Health Improvement (SHIP) HIT 2022-23
Accelerating work to end HIV The HIT has developed a new action plan focussed on…
Adversity and Trauma HIT 2022-23
Embedding system-wide trauma informed practice Last year, the Adversity and Trauma HIT secured a commitment…
Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments HIT 2022-23
Leading public engagement events SHINE organised a popular ‘Let’s Talk Public Toilets’ event in October…