Discovery of a druggable pocket in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could stop virus in its tracks

  • 22nd September 2020
A druggable pocket in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein that could be used to stop the…

Invitation to participate in a study on trans and non-binary people's experiences of eating disorders

  • 15th September 2020
Researchers at the University of the West of England (UWE) would like to invite people…

How can we get pupils and staff back to school safely during COVID-19?

  • 14th September 2020
Ensuring pupils and staff stay safe when they return to school this autumn is a…

Have your say on ways to make Bristol work better for us all

  • 14th September 2020
Take part in the #WhoseBristol? social survey to help community organisations across the city, Bristol…

New adoption and spread guidance now available for HITs

  • 11th September 2020
Working with the West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN), Bristol Health Partners…

Changes to the BHP core team

  • 11th September 2020
We recently welcomed Rachel Allbless to our team as our newest Senior Project Manager.

COVID-19 has highlighted the inadequate, and unequal, access to high quality green spaces

  • 11th September 2020
Professor Selena Gray is Co-Director of our Active People: Promoting Healthy Life Expectancy (APPHLE)…

Former Bristol Health Partners intern Megan Davies reflects on her unconventional journey into academia

  • 25th August 2020
Megan completed an internship with Bristol Health Partners in 2018 and has since grown…

We need to admit that cycling and walking are completely different activities

  • 6th August 2020
Dr Suzanne Audrey is a Co-Director of our Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments Health…

Dementia research badly affected by COVID-19

  • 4th August 2020
The development of new diagnostic tests and treatments for dementia is likely to be…

Latest paper says the NHS needs to work more effectively with analysts to maximise the potential of its data

  • 16th July 2020
In the latest paper to be published in the Journal of the Royal Society of…

Key dementia research facility protected thanks to BRACE

  • 15th July 2020
One of the most important facilities supporting dementia research in the country will continue its…