Seven reasons Einstein would support 20mph

  • 21st August 2018
Almost every issue 20mph raises is energy related and the answer to each, along with…

Members of RuBICoN continue to tackle antibiotic resistance

  • 9th August 2018
Since closing in April 2017, members of the Respiratory Infections HIT have continued to do…

Bans on gluten-free prescribing save the NHS money in the short-term but the impact on patients is unclear

  • 2nd August 2018
Full or partial bans on GPs prescribing gluten-free (GF) foods to people with coeliac disease…

Weight differences contribute to heart health in the young

  • 30th July 2018
Increased weight in young adults is likely to cause higher blood pressure and a thickening…

Patients undergoing hip replacement may be at lower risk of infection

  • 25th July 2018
Researchers from the Musculoskeletal Research Unit at the University of Bristol have identified the most…

Depression and antidepressants are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism

  • 24th July 2018
In the first review of its kind, new research has found that depression and the…

Safer 20mph speed limits in Bristol are under threat - here's what you can do to protect them in your area

  • 19th July 2018
Bristol City Council is consulting on 20mph speed limits in Bristol, with 83 20mph roads…

Gosport may have a negative impact on end-of-life care in general practice

  • 17th July 2018
Researchers from the University of Bristol have highlighted the potentially negative impact the deaths at…

Depression during pregnancy rises in a generation

  • 17th July 2018
Anxiety and depressive symptoms during pregnancy have risen by 51 per cent within a generation…

Calling all medics who support 20mph

  • 10th July 2018
Bristol's 20mph limits are under threat, as Bristol City Council is consulting on increasing the…

2018 HIT conference highlights

  • 10th July 2018
Bristol Health Partners Health Integration Teams had their annual opportunity to network, share ideas and…

High blood pressure in pregnancy linked to mother's heart function

  • 6th July 2018
Pregnant women who develop high blood pressure, or have small babies, may have hearts that…