NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre Launch Symposium and Public Lecture

  • 6th March 2018
On 1 February over 200 delegates gathered at We The Curious in central Bristol to…

Making the case for 20mph speed limits in Bristol - Councillor Mark Bradshaw

  • 5th March 2018
Cllr Mark Bradshaw is Labour Co-op member for Bedminster, Bristol and served as Cabinet Member…

Winners announced for Bristol's Data Visualisation Challenge

  • 14th February 2018
Two teams have won £8,000 funding each to take their data visualisation projects to the…

New targets revealed for the treatment of inflammatory conditions

  • 14th February 2018
Research by the University of Bristol has shed light on the way our clotting cells…

20mph speed limits in Bristol save lives, reduce injuries and save the NHS £15 million a year

  • 13th February 2018
The 20mph speed limits in residential areas in Bristol have prevented more than four fatal…

£1.6m study will determine how bone size, shape and structure contributes towards arthritis and other musculoskeletal diseases

  • 12th February 2018
How the size, shape and structure of bones and joints contribute towards the development of…

New £1.5m study will investigate what the ‘best interests’ are of patients who lack mental capacity

  • 9th February 2018
A new study that will explore the healthcare decisions made in the “best interests” of…

Are you turning 70 in 2018? Could you be part of the NHS at 70 celebrations?

  • 9th February 2018
2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the NHS. To mark the occasion, we are looking…

Council encourages Bristol’s older people to get active and Stay Steady

  • 7th February 2018
The council has launched plans to encourage older people to be more active as part…

Seminar on supporting service design and delivery showcases HIT achievements

  • 7th February 2018
Five Health Integration Teams (HITs) presented their work aimed at keeping people out of hospital…

Channel 4 documentary shows how Deep Brain Stimulation helps patients with movement disorders

  • 2nd February 2018
Channel 4’s documentary, Can You Rebuild My Brain? gave an insight into how the pioneering…

STITCH HIT shortlisted for Hearing the Patient Voice HEE award

  • 2nd February 2018
The Improving Care in Self-Harm Health Integration Team (also known as STITCH) has been shortlisted…