Eating Disorders HIT events this autumn
The Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (HIT) are running two events this November, giving you…
What is the most effective type of hip implant combination for patients undergoing a hip replacement?
Researchers from the Bristol Medical School at the University of Bristol have found that there…
Policy and regulation stand in the way of NHS use of unlicensed eye injection drug with potential to save millions of pounds
Eye injection drugs recommended by NICE cost the NHS up to £447 million annually, but…
The winners of the Bristol Health and Care Awards 2017
The city’s heroes of healthcare were recognised at a sparkling event hosted by the Bristol…
Scientists pinpoint genetic risk factors for asthma, hay fever and eczema
A major international study has pinpointed more than 100 genetic risk factors that explain why…
Centralised care needs to be improved to ensure children with cleft lip and palate have best outcomes
Around 1,000 children are born with cleft lip and/or palate in the UK each year,…
An additional 20 minutes commuting each day lowers job satisfaction equivalent to a 19 per cent pay cut
An additional 20 minutes of commuting each working day is equivalent to a 19% annual…
Key discoveries offer significant hope of reversing antibiotic resistance
Two recent studies led by the University of Bristol provide significant new hope in the…
Kidney failure’s effects on the psychosocial health and lifestyle of young adults
Kidney failure is associated with lower quality of life in young people and limited employment,…
Bristol A&E initiative recommended for national roll-out
Hospital trusts across the country are being urged to use an initiative developed in Bristol…
West of England project to prevent cerebral palsy in premature babies wins 'scaling up' funding
Developed in maternity units across the West of England, the ‘PReCePT’ project has been selected…
Stroke Health Integration Team gets go-ahead
A new Health Integration Team (HIT) focused on stroke has been given the go-ahead by…