Students target career in new medical profession as UWE launches physician associate course

  • 30th September 2016
Fifteen students have become the first to join a course at the University of the…

Get involved in our Psychosis Health Integration Team as a peer director

  • 30th September 2016
Have you or a loved one experienced psychosis? The Psychosis Health Integration Team is looking…

STITCH work on zero suicide presented at international quality and safety forum

  • 29th September 2016
The work of the Improving Care in Self-Harm Health Integration Team (STITCH HIT) was presented…

Art exhibition by people with experience of eating disorders marks launch of new Bristol team

  • 29th September 2016
An art exhibition at the Arnolfini featuring art by people with lived experience of eating…

How baby’s genes influence birth weight and later life disease

  • 28th September 2016
Genetic differences could help to explain why some babies are born bigger or smaller than…

BAME patients may be underrepresented in trials for diabetes treatment, study finds

  • 26th September 2016
Failure to directly and appropriately assess language proficiency when recruiting patients to randomised controlled trials…

Bristol law students to help families of young cancer patients

  • 26th September 2016
Working in partnership with CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young…

Research on stress hormone effects on the brain reveals unexpected findings

  • 23rd September 2016
Stress is a major problem in many people’s lives often resulting in poor health and…

Eating Disorders HIT hosts first research event

  • 23rd September 2016
The Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (HIT) hosted its first research event in July. The…

Healthcare manufacture brought into our living rooms

  • 16th September 2016
A research network called ‘Redistributed Manufacturing in Healthcare Network’ (RiHN) led by the University of…

Healthy fat stem cells can protect against obesity-associated type 2 diabetes

  • 15th September 2016
Obesity is responsible for the deaths of over three million people a year worldwide due…

Monitoring prostate cancer offers the same survival chance as surgery or radiotherapy over 10 years, but treatment reduces risk of cancer progression

  • 14th September 2016
Active monitoring is as effective as surgery and radiotherapy, in terms of survival at 10…