SHINE HIT toolkits for active travel to school available on Travelwest
- 13th July 2020
With more people taking an interest in being more active and looking at ways to help tackle climate change, active travel in the form of walking, cycling and scooting has become very popular.
Our Supporting Healthy and Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments Health Integration Team (SHINE HIT) have produced a series of one page summaries focusing on how active travel to school can help improve air quality, physical and mental health and road safety within cities.
The summaries are available to download from the Travelwest website.
Dr Adrian Davis, Co-Director of SHINE HIT and Senior Fellow in Translational Research and Behaviour Change at the University of West of England, said:
“The benefits of active travel to school are many and varied and the one page summaries attempt to capture many of these as well as some of the risks. They are helpfully grouped according to themes on the Travelwest website.
The research and drafting of the summaries was funded by Bristol Health Partners as part of their funding to the SHINE HIT.
It is hoped that these summaries will be of value to all those interested or involved in advocating for more school journeys to be made actively.”