SHIP HIT meeting focuses on sexual and reproductive health data
- 11th May 2021
The Sexual Health Improvement Programme (SHIP) HIT met virtually on 27 April 2021 to discuss how sexual and reproductive health data can be used more effectively.
The workshop, chaired by HIT co-director Katy Turner, aimed to understand how sexual and reproductive health data flows from the patient to local and national databases.
It explored the challenges of current data processes and the opportunities for addressing these challenges. Attendees also discussed how to improve collective understanding of the data sources available and how they can be better used to identify inequalities, and inform service design.
The SHIP HIT would like to thank everyone who presented at the workshop:
- Lindsey Harryman: Unity Sexual Health – data
- Charles Irish and Nick Young: Public Health England’s role in sexual health data
- Jo Copping and Mark McNally: Public health sexual health data
- Paddy Horner: How routine data can be used to estimate prevalence
- Rich Wood: An overview of the BNSSG system wide dataset
Download each presentation by clicking on the link above. Presentations are also available to download from the ‘More about SHIP’ page.