Stroke HIT's achievements in 2018-19
Dr Phil Clatworthy, Sara Blackmore, Chris Priestman, Stephen Hill, Dr Phil Simons and Emily Dodd give an update on what the Stroke Health Integration Team got up to in 2018-19.
- 26th April 2019
Dr Phil Clatworthy, Sara Blackmore, Chris Priestman, Stephen Hill, Dr Phil Simons and Emily Dodd give an update on what the Stroke Health Integration Team got up to in 2018-19.
The Stroke HIT has seen changes to the executive team this year. We welcomed Chris Priestman and Stephen Hill, both of whom have been affected by stroke, to be public contributor co-directors of the HIT.
We said a grateful goodbye to co-directors Ann Sephton and Mark Pietroni, but welcome Phil Simons (CCG Stroke Clinical Lead) and Sara Blackmore (Director of Public Health for South Gloucestershire) to the team as co-directors.
Molly Dexter continues to provide invaluable administrative support.
Our launch event
Our HIT launch event in November 2018 was well attended, with over 80 delegates. It brought together clinicians, academics, local authority staff, charity organisations and those affected by stroke, to hear more about the HIT.
The event culminated in an inspirational performance Stroke Odysseys by Rosetta Life’s Stroke Ambassadors. This showcased the HIT as a vehicle advocating for life after stroke and innovation in stroke rehabilitation and support.
Research and evaluation
We successfully secured funds from Southmead Hospital Charity to bring the Stroke Ambassador project to the hospital. We are collaborating with Rosetta Life, Bristol After Stroke and the APPHLE HIT to fund similar community workshops.
Phil Clatworthy, with researchers from UWE, University of Bristol and others across the UK, applied to the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) for funding to implement an occupational therapy approach to rehabilitation of visual field loss after stroke.
Working with Jo White, Senior Research Fellow at the University of the West of England, and Bristol Black Carers, we held an event to disseminate the findings of a small scale study into the experiences of stroke after-care in the Bristol Afro-Caribbean community. We are planning to work further with the community to co-produce a research project that addresses the priorities identified.
Mary Cramp and Phil Simons have been working on an outline evaluation plan and evidence review for the planned regional stroke pathway reconfiguration, supported by the best use of health and social care data.
Education and training
Jayne Weare has developed an education framework describing training opportunities for staff working with people after stroke in BNSSG and has delivered training to staff such as therapists and support workers. This framework continues to be developed with the support of the Stroke Association.
Patient and public involvement
Stephen and Chris work hard to ensure the voices of stroke survivors are at the heart of the HIT’s initiatives. They are also part of the Stroke Pathway Review Executive Board, ensuring patient and public views and ideas for improving stroke services are considered in the planning of the new reconfigured service. Stephen has worked with the Stroke Association to ensure materials for stroke survivors are accessible.
Public feedback is starting to shape our priorities through a patient and public involvement (PPI) meeting we have held and from various community events.
Plans for this year
Mary and Emily are planning a showcase event and a series of seminars or workshops on different aspects of stroke research that play to local research strengths.
In collaboration with Health Education England and the Stroke Association, Jayne and Emily are planning a launch of the education and training framework.
Work continues to enhance the Stroke HIT’s role as a tool for improving stroke prevention and care, empowering local people to shape the region’s stroke services.