Claire Angell has been appointed as co-director of Bristol Health Partners’ Stroke Health Integration Team (HIT).
Stroke HIT works to prevent strokes and improve the lives of people affected by stroke in the region. It does this by bringing together clinicians, commissioners, academics, care and support providers, as well as patients, their families and carers.
After her stroke, Claire became actively involved in the HIT’s mission to ensure stroke care worked better for people in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. She chairs the HIT’s Service User Group, which contributed directly to BNSSG Healthier Together’s redesign of the region’s stroke care pathway, approved in February 2022.
Claire says:
“I am so pleased to become co-director of the Stroke HIT, at a time when stroke services across our region are undergoing such a radical change for the better.
“I’m looking forward to representing people’s lived experience of stroke more prominently as stroke services better reflect the needs of patients and carers. It’s a great opportunity to raise the profile of stroke and the importance of prevention, research and the most up to date treatments.”
Claire replaces fellow public contributor and stroke survivor, Chris Priestman, who is stepping down from the HIT leadership team, although remaining involved in the HIT. We would like to thank him for his invaluable contribution over many years.
Watch Claire in a short film about Bristol Health Partners
Find out more
Read ‘Patient and Public Voice in Stroke Service Redesign: A case study’