Support to embed a trauma informed approach across BNSSG
- 17th June 2021
Bristol Health Partners’ Adverse Childhood Experiences Health Integration Team (HIT) has changed its name to the Adversity and Trauma HIT to better reflect the remit of its work, considering the impacts of adversity and trauma across the course of people’s lives.
The HIT has engaged with colleagues and stakeholders across the system to develop Shared Principles for Trauma Informed Practice and
a Knowledge and Skills Framework. You can find these documents and additional learning resources online.
The Principles and Framework are intended to be used by all
organisations across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, as we
aim to embed a system-wide trauma informed approach.
help guide this work and further support consistency in the approach, please complete this short survey from the BNSSG Trauma
Informed Subgroup (sub group of the Mental Health Cell). Your responses will provide
insight into your organisations’ approaches to,
and plans for, trauma training.
If you have recently arranged trauma training for any of
your staff, or have plans to do so in the near future, we would appreciate your input. We also hope to provide some information and
guidance for organisations who are planning to offer trauma/trauma informed
training so that we have a consistent approach across BNSSG, which will
hopefully benefit our residents and staff.
The survey is gathering information on what training is
available across the area, so if you offer relevant training and development
please also complete the survey. The deadline is 2 July.
Thank you for supporting this work.